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Golden Flax Seeds

  • Description

    A great addition to your daily healthy Super Green Smoothies, flax seeds have the highest Omega 3 content on the planet. They are best taken whole and freshly ground (using a blender or coffee grinder) over pre-powdered flax seed meal, to obtain their health-promoting oils, nutrients and enzymes.

    Contents Golden Flax Seeds
    Size 1 lb

    Omega 3



    Egg Substitute (1 tbsp freshly ground Flax Seeds + 2 tbsp water)

    Real Goodness

    Natural | Organic | Raw | Vegan | Gluten Free | Plant Based 

    100% Good for You

  • Flax seeds have the highest source of Omega 3, an essential fatty acid, which helps lower cholesterol and improves heart, skin, bone and mental health. For athletes and active people, omega 3 reduces inflammation and plays an important role in the metabolism of fat. Flax seeds is a whole food rich with fiber and a complete protein with all the essential amino acids, it also retains all its enzymes, allowing the body to absorb it easily and then utilize it to improve immune function. Flax seeds also are high in potassium an integral electrolyte for active people. Be sure to choose whole flax seed such as this one rather than powdered flax seed meal. Whole flax seeds contain all their health-promoting oils, nutrients and enzymes while powdered Flax seed meal is what is left after the healthy oils have been extracted from the whole flax seed.

  • 1 tbsp per day of ground whole flax seeds. Best mixed with your smoothies, oatmeal, salads, or as an egg replacer for recipes such as pancakes. Before consuming, make sure to grind first in a coffee grinder or high powered blender as flax seeds have hard shells and will pass through the digestive system unabsorbed if consumed whole.

    For more free recipes, click this link free green smoothie recipes.

    For our free Green smoothie Starter Guide with Super tips, FAQs and free recipes sign up here green smoothie starter guide

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