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“I never thought I’d be the type to like vegetable smoothies, but I found myself looking forward to my daily fix with simple and delicious do-it-yourself recipes. Try it out, but be warned: You might get as addicted as I am!”
- Michelle Katigbak-Alejandro
Editor-in-Chief, Metro Weddings
Beauty Editor, Chalk Magazine -
”The zest for life and health of the supercouple behind this company is contagious.”
- Marie Gonzalez
Kitchen Revolution -
“Just started my green smoothie starter pack and it’s simply awesome! Thanks for doing this and making it easy for us all.”
- Danielle Faber
“I love what you guys are doing, it's about time people are more informed and enlightened about what they put into their bodies. All the best and continued success to you!"
– Monica Luna
“Your Maca Power could possibly be the best thing I've ever taken, I haven't slept this well since I was a kid. I only sleep 4-5 hours but I feel incredible when I wake up! This also works really great with recovery, I almost never feel sore anymore!"
-Jonas Ruiz
“I love that you’ve made plant-based nutrition available here at very low prices. I’ve been taking maca and I’ve seen the boost in my energy levels. I’ve been sleeping like a baby, recovering faster (read: shorter sleep), and waking up refreshed. I love it!
“Kulang na lang talaga magising ako na may make-up at kumanta ako ng good morning sa inyo.”
-- Jessica Cuenca
“Thanks to The Superfood Grocer Philippines for making it easy for me to give myself and my daughter a natural way to live a nutritious and healthy lifestyle! Here's to a great start!”
-- Paola Marie Loot
Mommy Treats -
“Really enjoyed your very informative talk! It really was an eye opener as to why my body always feels so tired and exhausted.
“Excited to get this ball rolling!”
- Justine Marie
Resultan-Evangelista -
“For the first time, my kids enjoy drinking their fruits and veggies without much fuss. Best of all, my NT kids don’t have to hide from their autistic younger brother anymore when they crave for [banana-based] ice cream.
”Really thankful to you guys. Hope you can touch more lives in the future."
- Wilma Dela Cruz-Ligot
“The Superfood Grocer is being run by a passionate dancer-athlete couple who are vibrant examples of what super living is all about. Their superfoods are at such a great deal!”
-- Asha Peri
Dahon Kusina / Leaf Kitchen -
“I’m super thrilled about my Superfood StarterPack from this super couple! ...I have noticed a substantial increase in energy, satiation and overall well-being. [And] this stuff laaaaaaaasts! Which to me is solid proof that you really get your money’s worth with every purchase from this Philippine based, conscious company.
”Glad you guys are here!"
-Mona Lisa Neuboeck
Mona Lisa Raw

We are committed to waking you up, arming you with knowledge, and empowering you to proactively choose to live a superlife -- bursting with life and energy, free from disease -- for yourself and your loved ones.

We are passionate about education that comes with a truly healthy, thriving, plant-based lifestyle and we are strongly grounded on principles that stand for genuine goodness.
Check out raves from our supercharged users and Going Super workshop attendees.